How the endocannabinoid system of horses works



Black cumin

22 April '20 3 min reading time

How the endocannabinoid system (ECS system) of horses works

Scientists discovered in the early 1990s that humans and animals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS system). This system is the 'signaler' in the body. It checks at the cellular level if there is a problem. Then the system sends a signal to the brain, so that the brain can send the right substances to the respective cell. In this way, the endocannabinoid system regulates certain processes in the body, such as pain, inflammation, and the immune system. Read more about how this system works in horses in this article.

What are cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids is the name for a group of substances that are produced by the body itself, but are also found in cannabis plants and clove plants. CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the two most well-known cannabinoids. But did you know there are many more? Currently, science has identified 130 different cannabinoids. In the body, these substances function by binding to receptors. A receptor can be seen as a switch that can be pressed. This happens when the right substances, such as cannabinoids, attach to this switch. A signal is then sent to the brain. The brain can respond to this and possibly send back a 'solution'. In science, the receptors (switches) are divided into two groups: CB1 and CB2 receptors.

  • CB1 receptors: These are mainly found in our central nervous system and some organs. They play a role in pain, nausea, memory, and fine motor skills.
  • CB2 receptors: These are mainly found in the cells of our immune system and peripheral organs.

This system of switches is called the endocannabinoid system by science. 'Endo' stands for endogenous.

When to supplement with cannabinoids?

Receptors in the body need cannabinoids to function as switches. Normally, the horse's body produces enough of these substances, but this system can be disrupted by stress or illness. In such a case, you can optimize the body's healing power by supplementing these substances. Basically, you can take as a rule of thumb that cannabinoids are needed when the horse's body is out of balance. Cannabinoids are, for example, supplemented in the following situations:

  • Digestive problems
  • Respiratory problems
  • Laminitis
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Sweet Itch
  • Chronic stress or pain
  • Skin problems
  • Decreased condition
  • Inflammation
  • Hoof Cancer
  • Thrush
  • Fatigue
  • Tripping and stumbling
  • Joint problems

Supplements containing cannabinoids

Cannabinoids can be supplemented as a supplement. These supplements are known as CBD oil or CBD. There are two plants from which cannabinoids can be extracted: the cannabis plant and the clove plant. Both plants have different subspecies. There is the cannabis plant, as well as the hemp plant. The difference between them is that the hemp plant does not contain THC, the substance that makes you high.

However, there are also different subspecies of clove plants. However, no clove plant contains THC. For the effectiveness of the supplement, it is important that there are multiple different cannabinoids in the supplement. However, manufacturers are not allowed to list which cannabinoids are exactly in the supplement and whether there are multiple types. Therefore, look closely at the origin of the supplement. Is it made from cannabis, hemp, or clove? Many different cannabinoids are extracted from clove plants.


The endocannabinoid system is a body-specific system that transmits signals of problems to the brain so that the brain can respond. The system thereby regulates certain processes in the body, such as pain, inflammation, and the immune system. When a horse is sick or stressed, it may be that the body itself produces fewer cannabinoids. By supplementing cannabinoids, you ensure that this system enhances the healing power of the body itself. It is not a medicine, but a very effective tool for the horse to resolve health problems on its own. The more different types of cannabinoids, the more effective.


EFSA ID 1363, 4673
EFSA ID 4677
EFSA ID 4677
EFSA ID 3853
EFSA ID 1363, 4675
EFSA ID 4674

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