Are you familiar with the medicinal properties of the clove plant for horses?

The clove plant has versatile effects for both humans and animals. Naturally, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Additionally, it also optimizes the ECS system. This system is the body's signaling mechanism. We are not talking about the clove as you know it from the supermarket, but rather the plant and the flowers. Curious about its effects? We will tell you all about it in this blog!



7 April '22 3 min reading time

Active substances in clove

Clove is a dried, unopened flower bud of the clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum) and gets its name from its appearance, resembling a nail. The clove tree grows in a tropical climate and is an evergreen tree that only starts producing cloves after the 6th year.

Clove is strong in smell and taste, hence it is widely used in dishes, as an insect repellent, or in fragrances. However, it's not the clove as you know it, but rather the plant and flower that have medicinal properties. It is rich in essential oils (such as the phenol Eugenol), terpenes, tannins, flavonoids, sterols, crystalline substances, and fatty oils. Additionally, clove is rich in phytocannabinoids. These substances support the horse's endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is the body's signaling mechanism that monitors for abnormalities at the cellular level. When there is an abnormality, it sends a signal to the brain via cannabinoids. This way, the brain knows where to send the right nutrients. This enables the horse to better resolve issues in the body on its own. Moreover, it ensures the proper functioning of various processes in the body such as metabolism, inflammatory responses, mood, pain sensations, body temperature, and nerve impulses.

Below, we outline the medicinal properties of clove.

High natural anti-inflammatory for horses

The oil components in clove naturally possess strong anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, it is used in humans, for example, for toothaches. In horses, clove can be beneficial for its anti-inflammatory effects in conditions like:

  • Arthritis
  • Tendon injuries
  • Allergies
  • Respiratory infections
  • Intestinal infections
  • Laminitis
  • Large wounds
  • Gastric or intestinal ulcers
  • Insulin Resistance / Sweet Itch

Externally, clove also has anti-inflammatory properties and can be effective for skin irritations, bruises, and minor wounds.

Analgesic effect for horses

An important function of cannabinoids in clove is their analgesic effect. Furthermore, the oil components in clove also have analgesic properties. Therefore, clove can be considered an alternative to devil's claw and boswellia for horses, especially since devil's claw often causes stomach discomfort with prolonged use or in sensitive horses. In horses, clove can be used for its pain-relieving properties in conditions like:

  • Arthritis/joint pain
  • Laminitis/Hoof abscesses
  • Navicular disease
  • Other pain conditions

Mucosal lining of the stomach

Clove promotes the buildup of the stomach's mucosal lining, protecting it from the effects of stress that can lead to gastric ulcers. Additionally, it mildly anesthetizes the gastric mucosa, making existing (small) ulcers less sensitive and helping horses maintain their appetite. However, nutrition is the basis for gastric ulcers. For questions and advice, feel free to contact us at any time.

Powerful antioxidant effects

Clove stimulates liver detoxification, eliminating toxic substances from the body. In human use, it is even indicated to protect against carcinogenic substances. It has antioxidant properties, helping protect body cells from free radicals. While this has not been studied in horses, a similar effect is expected.

Against fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses

The oil components in clove have a positive effect against fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses. For horses, it is therefore a very suitable herb to use for:

  • Reduced immune response
  • Worm infestations
  • Sweet Itch
  • Fungal infections
  • Bacterial infections

For more inner peace

A balanced mind helps the body achieve balance and vice versa. The cannabinoids in clove create balance in the body as well as in the mind. For horses with (chronic) stress and/or trauma, clove can help restore balance to the body, easing stress and bringing peace of mind. Additionally, clove stimulates the mind and memory, improving concentration. Do you have a stressed horse? Try some cannabinoids from clove for your horse.

Conclusion: Clove, a powerful herb suitable for many conditions

Reduced immune response, inflammation, pain, allergies, infections, etc. Clove can positively contribute to your horse's condition in many ways. Particularly, the phytocannabinoids in clove offer numerous health benefits. It is important that the longer you administer it, the better the effect. Not all horses may enjoy the taste, so it's usually easier to administer it directly into the mouth with a syringe. Because this is not about the clove you use in cooking, but about the plant and the flower in which it grows.

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