When do you choose cannabinoids and when do you choose black cumin for your horse's injury?

When your horse is injured, you want to support him during the recovery period. For example, with a mild pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory dietary supplement. Common options for this are plant-based cannabinoids(clove) and thymoquinone from black cumin. But when do you use cannabinoids and when do you choose black cumin?



Black cumin

7 April '22 2 min reading time

For common injuries, such as tendon injuries or muscle problems, time is usually the best healer. Your horse often needs rest first and then slowly build up. Even in case of laminitis the recovery can take some time. Many horse owners like to help their horse with a natural remedy that suppresses pain and inflammation and promotes healing.

Acute phase: thymoquinone

Research has shown that the substance thymoquinone from the black cumin plant is a good option for different injuries.


  • Is a powerful anti-inflammatory
  • Works antibacterially, preventing inflammation
  • Promotes the nervous system
  • Suppresses allergic reactions
  • Is antiviral and cancer suppressing
  • Promotes the natural immune system
  • Supports metabolism

Thanks to these properties, thymoquinone is often used during recovery after a (sports) injury, for joint issues, and as a supplement for muscles and tendons. We recommend using thymoquinone in the first phase after an injury. In the acute situation, it is a good supplement because it works quickly and powerfully. For example, in the first three or four weeks after a tendon injury when the leg is still warm and swollen. Or in the first two to three weeks after founder. Thymoquinone reduces inflammation and acts as a pain reliever.

Cannabinoids for the long term

Once the initial recovery has started, you can switch to cannabinoids. These plant-based signaling substances are extracted from cloves, for example. They work on the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for physical and mental balance. Cannabinoids can also be used for chronic conditions such as arthritis. Additionally, cannabinoids can be used preventively, for example if your horse is prone to founder.

Cannabinoids are given for:

  • Digestive issues
  • Allergies
  • Chronic stress
  • Pain
  • Founder
  • Sweet itch
  • Skin problems
  • Inflammation
  • Fatigue

Cannabinoids are pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory. These plant-based substances also help the immune system, promoting healing and reducing the likelihood of recurrence. Scientific research shows that cannabinoids reduce chronic inflammation.

Conclusion: first thymoquinone, then cannabinoids

For acute problems such as tendon injuries or founder, it is often advisable to use thymoquinone in the acute phase. It is much more powerful as an anti-inflammatory than cannabinoids and works faster. When the acute phase is over and a long-term approach is needed, cannabinoids are used. They are also a bit cheaper. We also recommend cannabinoids for chronic conditions and prevention for your horse. The effectiveness in different (chronic) inflammatory diseases has been proven through research. For horses with arthritis, cannabinoids can be a good support. If cannabinoids from cloves are not strong enough for chronic conditions, black cumin can always be given for a longer period.

Please note that with horses with PPID who are receiving medication for it, black cumin should not be combined.

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