How many times a day should a dog eat?

Of course, you feed your dog every day. But how many times a day does your pet get a portion? And is it always at the same time? How often your dog should eat depends on the breed, age, and size.


24 September '24 2 min reading time

Most adult dogs do well on two meals a day: one in the morning and one in the evening. This keeps their energy level stable and helps your dog maintain a healthy weight. Feeding at around the same time each day also helps keep their digestion working well.

Feeding small dogs more frequently

Small dogs have a faster metabolism. They digest their food more quickly and burn relatively more energy. For small dog breeds, it may be better to feed three smaller portions per day. Puppies also need food more frequently throughout the day. They are still growing and need a lot of energy. The recommendation is to feed puppies four times a day until they are about four months old. As they grow older, this can be reduced to three meals a day and eventually two meals per day when they are adults.

Large dogs: risk of stomach torsion

Very large dogs are more prone to developing stomach torsion (gastric dilation volvulus). This is a life-threatening condition that can occur if they move around with a full stomach. Therefore, for very large dogs, it may also be better to feed three to four smaller meals per day.

No running on a full stomach!

How often you feed your dog also depends on your daily schedule. It’s important not to feed your dog right before (or right after) a walk. This is not good for digestion and can even lead to stomach torsion in larger dogs. Feed your dog at least one hour before or one hour after walking. Fast eating is also not good for your dog. If your dog tends to gulp down food quickly, consider using a slow feeder bowl.

Free feeding?

Some people free-feed their dogs. This can be convenient for the owner, as the dog always has something to snack on and can eat as needed. The downside is that you never know exactly how much your dog is eating. Additionally, a constantly filled food bowl can attract pests. Free feeding only works if the dog doesn't overeat and only eats when they are hungry. For breeds like Labradors, free feeding is not suitable, as they tend to eat until they become sick.

Routine is key

Ideally, feed your dog two to four times a day, depending on their age, breed, and size. Regular feeding times help with digestion. It also makes it easier to notice if there’s something wrong with your dog’s health when you feed at consistent times. If you find it difficult to feed your dog at the same time every day, for example, due to irregular working hours, there are also automatic feeders that can dispense dry food according to a schedule. You only need to set them up once, and sometimes you can even track how much your dog is eating through an app.

Hygiene and water

In addition to a regular feeding schedule, it’s also important that your dog always has access to fresh drinking water. It’s also a good idea to clean your dog’s food bowl after each meal to prevent illnesses caused by food poisoning and bacteria.

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