Five reasons to give your dog black cumin


Black cumin

7 August '23 2 min reading time

Five reasons to give your dog black cumin

Thymoquinone from black cumin is a powerful supplement. You can use it to support your dog with a range of issues and conditions. Black cumin has been used for centuries in herbal medicine. In recent decades, there has been more and more scientific evidence for the unique health properties of this supplement.

Thymoquinone can support your dog in a wide range of issues. Of course, it is wise to always consult a veterinarian first if your dog is sick, but thymoquinone is useful for many chronic conditions or minor ailments. This compound works directly on a number of chemical and molecular processes in the body. Here are five conditions where black cumin can be helpful.

1. Itching and allergic reactions

Black cumin directly affects allergy symptoms such as itching and sneezing. This is because the active ingredient, thymoquinone, interferes with the hypersensitivity process. Thymoquinone blocks the histamine released in the blood during an allergic reaction, which causes itching, shortness of breath, and sneezing, among other symptoms. This suppresses the allergic reaction.

2. Stiffness, joint pain, and arthritis

In conditions like arthritis, stiffness, and joint pain, inflammatory reactions play a role. Black cumin is a potent anti-inflammatory. Two enzymes, cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, are crucial in inflammation. Thymoquinone blocks these enzymes and prevents an (excessive) inflammatory reaction. As joint inflammation decreases, your dog will move more smoothly.

3. Respiratory problems

The anti-inflammatory effect of black cumin is also excellent for when your dog is wheezing, has asthma, or coughs frequently. Respiratory issues related to allergies, such as dust allergies, are also alleviated with thymoquinone from black cumin. Research has shown that thymoquinone significantly suppresses inflammation in the alveoli deep in the lungs. Black cumin is also antiviral, so if your dog has a viral cold, you can use this supplement.

4. Metabolism and overweight

Since thymoquinone has a regulating effect on blood sugar levels, this compound can support in diabetes and help normalize carbohydrate metabolism. This is also important for dogs with (mild) overweight. When blood sugar levels drop, and insulin levels return to normal in the blood, your dog is less at risk of developing diabetes or other metabolic diseases. If your dog already has diabetes, black cumin helps suppress the negative effects of the disease, such as on the kidneys.

5. Support for stomach inflammation and worm infections

Thymoquinone is strongly anti-inflammatory and also has antibacterial properties. Additionally, the compound supports the immune system. This can help your dog better fight an infection or recover from it. Therefore, this supplement is also useful after a treatment for a worm infection.

Black cumin supports your dog!

Thymoquinone from black cumin is a very versatile and potent natural supplement. Scientific research on animals and humans has shown that thymoquinone can support many diseases. Ideally, you should give black cumin in the form of a concentrated extract.

Read more about black cumin for dogs in this article.


Kaneez Fatima Shad, Wissam Soubra, Dennis John Cordato. The role of thymoquinone, a major constituent of Nigella sativa, in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases

Khader M, Eckl PM. Thymoquinone: an emerging natural drug with a wide range of medical applications. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2014;17(12):950-957.

Park, S.-H.; Kim, M.; Lee, ---

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