Five common disorders in dogs

Of course, we all want a healthy and happy dog. But in the Netherlands, there are a number of diseases circulating that your dog can become infected with, such as giardia and kennel cough. Older dogs sometimes experience conditions like arthritis or cataracts. In this article, we discuss five disorders that every dog lover should be aware of.




25 September '23 3 min reading time

  1. Arthritis

Arthritis in dogs is similar to what humans experience. Joints become swollen and inflamed, and movement becomes painful. Arthritis usually worsens with age. Inflammation can occur in all joints, but is most commonly seen in the knees, shoulders, and toes. There is no cure for arthritis, but omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce swelling and provide some natural relief. These healthy fats are found in sources like salmon oil. Cannabinoids and/or black cumin can also support your dog with arthritis. These plant-based substances are powerful anti-inflammatories and pain relievers.

  1. Allergies

Dogs can be allergic to various things, such as fleas, food, or environmental factors. An allergic dog often experiences itchiness, red skin, ear infections, or even hair loss. To effectively combat an allergy, it is important to identify the cause. Once you know what is triggering the allergic reaction, you can avoid contact with the allergen. For example, by choosing different food or treating your dog against fleas. In some cases, supplements like omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce symptoms. Since the immune system plays a major role in allergic reactions, cannabinoid support can also benefit allergic dogs.

  1. Dental Problems

Dental issues are common in dogs, with estimates suggesting that over 80% of older dogs experience them! Dental diseases cause pain and make it difficult for the dog to eat properly. Sometimes you can even smell if your dog has a tooth infection, as their breath will be foul. Inflamed gums are also a clear sign of dental problems. Since infections can spread throughout the entire mouth, it is important to take action if you notice your dog is experiencing dental issues. To prevent these issues, brushing your dog's teeth with a special brush (such as a finger toothbrush) is a good idea. Crunchy foods like dry kibble also help keep the teeth clean and healthy. If in doubt, have your vet examine and clean your dog's teeth!

  1. Giardia

Many dog diseases can be prevented by vaccinating your dog properly. For example, against canine distemper and Wehl disease. Giardia is one of the most common intestinal parasites in dogs, and unfortunately, there is no vaccination available. Cats can also carry giardia. Dogs can become infected by ingesting the parasite, often in places where many dogs and cats frequent. They can also become infected by licking their paws after being outside. Wild animals like rabbits or deer can also carry the parasite. Many dogs and cats show minimal symptoms of this parasite, but sometimes persistent, recurring diarrhea can develop. Due to the parasite's ability to survive in the environment for a long time, a dog or cat may repeatedly infect themselves. Giardia should be treated with antibiotics. You can support your dog by maintaining their immune system, for example with an extract of black cumin.

  1. Cataracts

Cataracts, also known as cataract, are mostly seen in older dogs. It appears as a cloudy layer over the eyes, causing vision difficulties for the dog. Surgery is available to treat cataracts. Dogs with diabetes have a higher risk of developing cataracts. Diabetes in dogs can be recognized by excessive urination, constant hunger, weight loss, and a dense coat. To maintain your dog's body balance, you can give them cannabinoids as a supplement.

Other diseases

Of course, there are many other diseases that your dog may suffer from. Kennel cough, for example, is quite common and highly contagious.

If in doubt about your dog's health, always consult a veterinarian!

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