Supporting Your Horse in Losing or Gaining Weight



Insulin resistance



19 December '22 3 min reading time

Supporting Your Horse in Losing or Gaining Weight

Naturally, a horse's weight fluctuates with the seasons. At the end of summer, they tend to be a bit thicker, and at the end of winter, when the reserves have been used to keep their body warm, a bit thinner. Our domesticated horses usually have enough food all year round and ideally should not fluctuate too much in weight. They should not be too thin or too fat. How do you regulate your horse's weight?

A horse that receives enough high-quality roughage and is provided with its daily vitamin and mineral needs should not lose weight in principle. In very cold weather, horses use a lot of fiber from roughage to keep warm. Therefore, make sure there is plenty of hay available during the winter months. Horses that are in high training or pregnant may also have an extra need for nutrients such as amino acids and proteins.

Salmon Oil: Essential Fats

Salmon oil can contribute to weight regulation. It supports digestion, provides your horse with all essential fatty acids, and gives extra energy. Thanks to salmon oil, horses often have increased appetite and can quickly regain weight if they are too thin. The oil also helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Horse Remains Slightly Thin

If your horse continues to lose weight despite having enough roughage, nutrients, and fatty acids, especially older horses may face weight loss, especially in winter. Their digestion becomes less efficient, and the chewing muscles may weaken, meaning they take longer to chew fibers and therefore consume less roughage. In this case, it may be advisable to provide more liquid roughage, such as soaked grass pellets, in addition to salmon oil and possibly proteins. If your horse is not a senior yet, dental problems, worms, sand in the intestines, and stomach or digestive problems can also be causes for weight loss. So, check if any of these could be the issue. If your horse remains thin despite all measures, consult your veterinarian. Weight loss can also be related to chronic pain and other underlying diseases, such as liver disorders.

Read more about feeding older horses

Horse is Too Fat

When a horse has a little extra fat on the ribs at the end of summer, it is not necessarily a problem as long as it is temporary. One possible solution is not to rug your horse up too early in the autumn, but to let them use their reserves when it gets colder. After all, that's what those fat reserves are for! Do not give a overweight horse carbohydrate- or starch-rich concentrate feed or roughage high in sugars. Opt for fiber-rich, low hay that is chewed for a long time and provides a full feeling. Additionally, ensure sufficient free movement and training. Your horse will gradually lose weight. Make sure they receive enough vitamins and minerals, with a balancer pellet and possibly additional supplements. Consider magnesium, which is low in hay, and in the winter also vitamin E. Moreover, the minerals from concentrated sea water can provide the right balance for your horse.

Nettle for Horses

Horses that need to lose weight can benefit from a course of nettle extract to cleanse the blood and eliminate toxins. Nettle also supports the immune system and promotes a healthy gut flora, leading to a healthy digestion. It is recommended to give your horse a nettle course twice a year, in the spring and autumn. Alternatively, you can offer it in a mineral buffet.

Triphala Supports Sugar Metabolism and Weight Loss

Another herb that can be used in cases of overweight is Triphala. This is a mixture of 3 fruits that support metabolism and balance the body. It can also be effective for horses with insulin resistance as it balances sugar metabolism. Triphala aids in weight loss and can be easily administered through feed.

Read more about Triphala.

Learn more about overweight in leisure horses and EMS

The Role of the Herd

Finally, it is also important to consider the role of the herd for horses that are overweight or underweight. Dominant horses have the most access to food, while lower-ranking horses may not always be able to reach the feeding trough. Therefore, ensure an adequate number of feeding spots or place a thin and low-ranking horse in a different group where they can eat more.


  1. Tamzali. 2006. Chronic weight loss syndrome in the horse: a 60 case retrospective study.


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