Dog with osteoarthritis: choose silica and an herbal supplement

Osteoarthritis is unfortunately common in dogs. Osteoarthritis involves cartilage wear, causing the dog to move more stiffly, have difficulty getting started, and sometimes experience pain. As an owner, there are several ways to support your dog. Usually, a combination of measures is the best strategy.



1 November '23 2 min reading time

First of all: your dog needs to keep moving. Gentle exercise, not too long but regular, is best. Movement strengthens the muscles, and a good muscular system reduces stress on the joints. In addition, movement stimulates the production of joint fluid. This 'lubricant' helps the joints move more smoothly.

Silica for the joints

The mineral silica is essential for the production of joint fluid, cartilage, and bone. Muscles, ligaments, tendons, and ligaments also need silica for structure. To ensure that wear and tear due to osteoarthritis is as slow as possible and to produce enough joint fluid, this mineral is very important. However, silica is usually low in food and your dog cannot produce it themselves. You must therefore add this mineral. It is very important that your dog's intestines can absorb the silica molecules. This works best when you give a supplement of liquid, hydrolyzed silica. This means that the silica atoms are bound to oxygen atoms in a special way, making it easy for them to pass through the intestinal wall into the blood. Many other forms of silica are not absorbable for dogs. For example, white sand consists largely of silica, but in a form that your dog cannot use!

Herbs for the joints

As mentioned, silica is very important for the formation and healthy maintenance of the joints. In addition, a mixture of herbs can help remove waste products that accumulate in the joints and combat any pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. Herbs that are suitable for this purpose include devil's claw, horsetail, black currant, and willow. A combination of extracts from these plants has an acidifying and anti-inflammatory effect on the joints, helping them move more smoothly. Additionally, you can give cloves to relieve pain and suppress inflammation. Cloves contain many powerful cannabinoids that support the nervous system and improve resistance.

Conclusion: do it together!

If your dog has (early-stage) osteoarthritis, it is wise to give him regular light exercise and ensure an adequate intake of silica in the diet. You can combat pain and accumulated waste products with an herbal extract and cannabinoids from the clove plant. This way, moving remains a pleasure for your dog!


Paul M. Newberne & Robert B. Wilson. Renal Damage Associated with Silicon Compounds in Dogs. 1970.

Cefali, E.A., Nolan, J.C., McConnell, W.R. et al. Pharmacokinetic Study of Zeolite A, Sodium Aluminosilicate, Magnesium Silicate, and Aluminum Hydroxide in Dogs. Pharm Res 12, 270–274 (1995).

Jurkić LM, Cepanec I, Pavelić SK, Pavelić K. Biological and therapeutic effects of ortho-silicic acid and some ortho-silicic acid-releasing compounds: New perspectives for therapy. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2013;10(1):2. Published 2013 Jan 8. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-10-2.

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