Rosemary for horses

Rosemary is a fragrant plant that was used by the Egyptians as purifying incense. But apart from that, Rosemary has also been widely used as a medicinal plant in ancient times. Especially for circulatory and brain problems.

The leaves of Rosemary are mainly used, as they are the richest in nutrients. They are rich in essential oils (including camphor), flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, and the alkaloid rosmaricine.

Scientific name:

Rosmarinus Officinalis



Effects of rosemary for horses:

  • Stimulates blood circulation

  • Supports liver function

  • Promotes digestion

Rosemary for blood circulation

Rosemary is very suitable for stimulating blood circulation. It stimulates blood circulation in the abdomen and brain. It also strengthens the contraction of the heart and increases blood flow to the coronary arteries.

Rosemary for liver and digestion

It has a supportive effect on liver function and protects liver cells from free radicals. In addition, rosemary strengthens the stomach, promotes digestion, helps to dispel gas, and has a mild antispasmodic effect in the intestines.

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