Functioning of pine for horses

The Scots pine, pine tree, or spruce are all the same tree that everyone knows. This tree is also native to the Netherlands and can grow up to 40 meters high. These trees are often planted to forest sand dunes, but also for timber production. Pine also has medicinal properties and has been used for this purpose since time immemorial. The buds and needles of the tree are particularly used. They are rich in essential oil. The buds also contain resin and are rich in vitamin C. You can also make tea from the needles and buds, which is a true source of vitamin C.

Scientific name:

Pinus Sylvestris



Functioning for horses:

  • Pine has an expectorant effect and helps to cough up phlegm.

Pine for respiratory system

The Scots pine mainly has very good properties for the respiratory system, for which the buds are mainly used but sometimes also the essential oil from the needles. Scots pine works as an expectorant and helps to cough up mucus. It promotes the ciliary movement, thus clearing the lungs.

In addition, Scots pine has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects on the respiratory system. Scots pine is also sometimes used externally, but then processed in a cream or oil based on the essential oil from the needles. Even then, Scots pine has a positive effect on the respiratory system.

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