Functioning of onion in horses

The functioning of onion in humans is comparable to the functioning of garlic, but less pronounced. Onions are rich in sulfur-containing compounds that cause the very strong odor and taste. Onions are also rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Appetite-enhancing properties and digestive-enhancing properties are attributed to onions. Onions also promote blood circulation.

Horses will not eat onions or very little of them. The strong odor and taste will prevent the horse from eating it. Also, there is no information available about the long-term harmfulness of onions for horses. Onions are not directly toxic, in small quantities it will not immediately harm. The functioning of onion is compared to garlic, therefore it is not advisable to feed horses onions.

Scientific name:

Allium Cepa



Functioning of onion in horses:

  • Similar functioning as garlic (but milder)

  • Actual functioning unknown in horses

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