Magnesium (Mg) in Horses

60% of magnesium is stored in the skeleton and 32% in muscle tissue. Because a large portion of magnesium is stored in the muscles, it is understandable that many horse owners provide magnesium to their horses for this reason.

Scientific name:




Function of magnesium in horses:

  • Provides strength and density to bone structure
  • Important for the nervous system
  • Brain function
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Relaxation of cells

Function of magnesium

In bones, magnesium is associated with the crystalline structure and providing strength and density to the bone structure.

Magnesium is stored outside the bones in the intracellular spaces and is associated with the structures of mitochondria and substances such as ATP, RNA and DNA. Magnesium is one of the most abundant positive ions in the body, involved in almost all metabolic processes in cells.

Unfortunately, there is still little scientific research done on the influence of magnesium on the immune system in horses. Studies in other mammals have shown that a magnesium deficiency affects embryos, brain functions, memory, and emotions. However, this is not scientifically proven for horses, although horse owners do have the experience that supplementing magnesium reduces stress and lowers muscle tension in horses.

Magnesium is also commonly used in horses that have foundered (or have a history of it) or are insulin-resistant. It helps to improve metabolism.

Which type of magnesium to give?

There are various types of magnesium, and each supplier claims to have the best version. Most horse owners can tell in practice which form is best absorbed by their horse. There are no hard scientific proofs on which form is the best. However, practical experience and research indicate that magnesium oxide is not recommended due to poor absorbability.

If you want to give magnesium, opt for magnesium citrate or magnesium chelate. These two forms are the most available and absorbable for the horse. Additionally, a liquid supplement is preferred for the best absorbability. Magnesium chelate in liquid form is seen as an amino acid in the body. Therefore, the absorbability of the chelate form is much better and is better absorbed into cells. A magnesium supplement with added vitamin B, tryptophan, and zinc is also preferred. These nutrients work together and enhance each other, making the absorbability and effectiveness even stronger.

Daily magnesium requirements

During stress, a horse consumes extra magnesium. Therefore, the magnesium requirement can vary per horse. For maintenance and work, a horse should receive 0.52 grams of magnesium per kilogram of dry matter. For growth and lactation, a slightly higher amount is needed. Horses experiencing stress (illness, anxiety, incorrect housing, etc.) will consume more magnesium, and these deficiencies need to be replenished. These horses often show a noticeable difference when magnesium is added to their diet.

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