Working of licorice in horses

In products against stomach ulcers and intestinal problems, licorice is often found. Licorice is derived from an herbaceous plant whose roots and runners are used. "In the past," licorice sticks were sold a lot as candy, by chewing on the stick the sweet taste was released. The Romans and Greeks used licorice mainly against cough, asthma, and to soothe the throat. From 1920 onwards, the beneficial effect against stomach ulcers was really established.

Scientific name:

Glycyrrhiza Glabra


Herbaceous plant

Working of licorice in horses:

  • Inflammatory and pain-relieving effect on stomach and intestinal mucosa
  • Works against cramps
  • Mucous-producing and mucous-draining
  • Natural antihistamine and anti-allergic

Licorice for the stomach and intestines

Licorice has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines. It has an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect on the stomach and intestinal mucosa. It also works soothingly and protects the mucous membranes. Licorice is therefore widely used for the prevention and healing of stomach ulcers.

In addition, licorice has a relaxing property, strengthens the stomach, and promotes digestion.

Licorice for the respiratory system

The soothing properties of licorice also have an effect on the throat and respiratory system. It reduces cough and works against asthma and hay fever. It acts as a natural antihistamine and anti-allergy.

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