Great Angelica

Great Angelica is also known as Archangelica. It mainly occurs near rivers and banks, but also in mountains and marshes. In medicine, the root of the plant is often used. This herb is said to owe its name to the Archangel Raphael, who appeared in a dream to a monk and recommended this plant against the plague. According to others, it got its name because the plant blooms on the feast day of the Archangel Michael.

Angelica Archangelica


Calming for the nervous system

  • Reduces exhaustion from overwork, depression, and insomnia

Nutrients in Great Angelica

  • Essential oils
    • Angelicine
    • Umbelliferone
    • Bisabolol
  • Bitter substances

The combination of bitter substances with essential oils promotes overall digestion in Great Angelica. It particularly supports the stomach, liver, and pancreas. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects on the stomach and intestines.

The essential oils have a beneficial effect on gas-related issues in the intestines as they reduce and expel gas.

Other functions

In addition to its positive effect on digestion, Great Angelica also stimulates appetite. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It also targets harmful fungi in the body.

Due to the presence of angelicine, it has a calming and muscle-relaxing effect. It is also blood-purifying, improves blood circulation, and reduces blood clots.


Exposure of Great Angelica preparations to UV light can cause severe skin rash upon contact with the preparation.

Long-term overdosing of Great Angelica can first over-stimulate and then paralyze the nervous system. Always use it in consultation with a veterinarian.

Overdosing on Great Angelica can induce abortion, so it is strongly advised to avoid its use during pregnancy.

If your horse quickly experiences any of the following conditions, do not use Great Angelica:

  • Hoof abscesses/laminitis
  • Tying-up
  • Overweight
  • IR (Insulin Resistance)
  • Active stomach and/or intestinal ulcers or liver conditions.

Do not use Great Angelica if your horse needs surgery, has active bleeding, or has received blood-thinning medications.

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