The importance of fibers for horses

Fibers are extremely important for the digestive system of horses. Fiber-rich feed also ensures that the horse has to chew more, which stimulates saliva production. Horses also do not experience a full feeling in their stomach; the feeling of being full comes from the extensive chewing. So, the more structured the diet, the better it is for the digestion of your horse.

Promoting saliva production

Fiber-rich feed requires more effort from the horse to digest it. Hay, straw, and alfalfa are products with a high fiber content. Horses need to chew on these products for a long time. Chewing stimulates saliva production. Saliva is needed by the horse to make the food smooth and moist so that it can easily slide down the esophagus. But saliva also has an important function for the stomach; it neutralizes the stomach acid, thereby reducing the risk of stomach ulcers.

Fibers are an energy source

For horses, fibers are necessary as they are the main source of energy. However, horses cannot break down fibers themselves; digestive bacteria are needed for this. These bacteria help break down the fibers into fatty acids. The horse can use these fatty acids as an energy source. A horse's diet should consist of at least 50% fibers. For horses that do little work or easily gain weight (such as draft breeds), this percentage can be even higher. These horses do not need additional grains or fat sources as energy sources.

Horses not only get fibers from hay and grass but also from herbs and branches. Older crops contain more fibers than younger crops. For this reason, overgrown grass is better for horses than young spring grass, which contains relatively few fibers.

Scientific name:



Plant material

Function of fibers in horses:

  • Main energy source

  • Stimulate chewing movement and saliva production

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