Basil for Horses
The flavorful herb commonly used in cooking is also very healthy for horses. Basil is also known as king herb and is widely used in the human world for menstrual problems, digestive issues, and skin conditions. Since ancient times, basil has been a well-known medicine. It is rich in antioxidants, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, Vitamin A, C, and K.

Scientific name:
Ocimum basilicum
Effects of basil for horses:
antibacterial effect
strong antioxidant
reduces cramps
Basil for Digestive Issues
Basil contains eugenol, which has an antibacterial effect. Eugenol inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and can prevent stomach and intestinal inflammations. Basil also helps with diarrhea.
Basil for Cramps
Many products for mares with hormone problems contain basil. This herb has a muscle relaxant effect. This is because basil contains caffeic acid, which blocks the hormones responsible for uterine muscle contractions. Caffeic acid is quickly absorbed into the blood, providing rapid pain relief.
Other Benefits of Basil
Basil can also be used to repel mosquitoes by applying it to the skin. The scent helps keep the mosquitoes away. It is also a great herb for skin problems as it is rich in antioxidants and helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.
Eugenol in basil also inhibits the action of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (inflammatory protein). This leads to relief of symptoms in arthritis.