Hoof problems in horses

There are many different types of hoof problems such as thrush, cracked hooves, splits, and ulcers. Often, these hoof problems are a result of poor hoof health at the core. By ensuring that the basic principles of healthy hooves are in place, your horse's hooves have a chance to develop properly.

Basis for healthy hooves

Healthy hooves are determined by a number of factors. As an owner, you have an influence on these factors.

  • Nutrition

Just like with human nails, you can see the quality of nutrition reflected in a horse's hooves. Horses require a fiber-rich diet and sugars should be limited. Additionally, they need vitamins and minerals, which may be lacking in their diet. In such cases, supplements can help. A supplement containing the mineral silicon (which is a building block for collagen fibers) is necessary for strong hooves and a healthy coat.

  • Immune system

They say that hooves reflect the overall health of a horse. If a horse has a weakened immune system, this will also be visible in the quality of their hooves. Learn more about different problems related to the immune system: liver issues, kidney problems, and digestive problems.

  • Environment

Hooves have the ability to adapt to any surface. If your horse stands on a soft surface often, their hooves will adjust accordingly. By ensuring that a horse can stand on different surfaces, you help maintain their hooves in good condition. Additionally, hygiene is very important. Both hoof hygiene and surface hygiene. Clean out manure frequently and ensure there is always a dry place in the pasture/paddock to stand.

  • Exercise

With each step, a horse's hoof receives oxygen. Exercise also helps in removing waste products. Make sure a horse has plenty of freedom to move around.

If you ensure that these four points are optimal for your horse, you will see their hooves improve. Allow hooves time to recover.

Silicon, the building block of hooves

Silicon is important for multiple essential tissues in a horse's body. It helps promote hair growth, strengthen the skin, and is crucial for maintaining healthy, strong hooves. This is because silicon is the building block of connective tissue (cartilage, muscles, tendons, bones, hooves, and skin). A deficiency in silicon in the body can lead to a lower quality of hooves. Supplementing with hydrolyzed silicon can help with this. Hooves are tissues with slow blood flow, which is why you begin to see the first results after about a month or two/three.

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