COPD (heaves in horses)

Heaves, also known as COPD, is the most common respiratory disease in horses in the Netherlands. Horses with heaves often start to cough chronically because their airways are inflamed for a long time, leading to less oxygen reaching deep into the lungs. What can you do to reduce or even prevent COPD in horses?

Studies show that about ten to twenty percent of adult horses in the northern hemisphere suffer from heaves. The condition is also known as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Heaves is essentially chronic bronchitis in horses. The bronchioles (small branches in the lungs) are narrowed, irritated, and inflamed in COPD. As these bronchioles contract, the horse struggles more with breathing. This can cause the horse to cough, breathe heavily, and have difficulty performing well. At the ends of the smallest bronchiolar branches are the alveoli, which facilitate the exchange of oxygen and waste products with the inhaled air. When the bronchioles become narrower, the airflow to the alveoli decreases, resulting in less oxygen being absorbed and fewer waste products being removed.

Relationship with the immune system

Scientists believe that the persistent inflammation in heaves is mainly caused by an immune system response. This response causes the bronchioles to contract, leading to reduced lung capacity. Dust and fine particles in the stable, such as hay and straw, worsen heaves. Allergens like pollen can also exacerbate the symptoms. Excessive mucus develops in the airways, making exhaling particularly challenging for the horse. If your horse is coughing, contact your veterinarian for advice. Sometimes antibiotics or anti-inflammatories are necessary. The sooner you address the issue, the better. Make sure to prevent further irritation of the airways by keeping the stables clean, ensuring proper ventilation, and potentially rinsing the hay.

Supporting the filtering function

In healthy lungs, cilia and mucus filter out dust particles from the air, keeping the lungs clean. However, in a dusty environment, cilia often fail to do their job adequately, causing the horse to cough and leading to lung irritation. Some herbs have a soothing effect on the airways and supplement the mucous secretions needed to filter the air properly. Consider Eucalyptus, Echinacea, White Willow, and Schisandra for these purposes. These herbs can be used preventively if your horse is susceptible to COPD.

Building resistance

Additionally, you can support the immune system with a supplement. For horses, plant-based cannabinoids, such as those from clove, are excellent products. These substances promote balance and boost natural resistance. Thymoquinone from black cumin also has anti-inflammatory effects and pairs well with cannabinoids. Thymoquinone offers a range of health benefits:

  • It blocks the release of histamine, suppressing allergic reactions.
  • It enhances the function of the nervous system.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It is antibacterial.
  • It is antiviral.

Recent studies have shown that thymoquinone works even better when combined with cannabinoids from plants like clove. Cannabinoids have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, restoring balance in the body. Therefore, cannabinoids and thymoquinone together form a powerful combination that is excellent for use in horses with COPD.


Kaneez Fatima Shad, Wissam Soubra, Dennis John Cordato. The role of thymoquinone, a major constituent of Nigella sativa, in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases

CEPP. 2021.

Ahmad A, Husain A, Mujeeb M, et al. A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2013;3(5):337-352.

  1. Leckere, A. Lavoie – Lamoureux, J. Lavoie. Heaves, an asthma-like disease of horses. 2011. Respirology Volume 16, Issue 7.

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