Why now is the moment to provide the pasture for horses with extra minerals

Growing grass and grazing horses extract nutrients and minerals from the soil. That is why now is one of the moments to provide the soil with extra minerals. This year was (unlike previous years) sultry and rainy, very conducive to growth. But due to the fact that pastures have experienced a lot of drought or extreme rain in recent years, the quality of grass has deteriorated significantly. Now is the time to provide the pasture with extra minerals. Read in this blog how that works.


16 August '21 2 min reading time

Why now?

At the end of the grazing season is the time to start providing extra minerals to the soil for the coming season. This way, you ensure that there are enough minerals in the soil when the grass starts growing again. Growing grass and grazing horses extract nutrients and minerals from the soil. Also, the fields are not too wet right now, so you can even drive a tractor over them if needed. The advice is to provide the soil with minerals at least three times a year. But it can also be done more frequently. In vegetable gardens, a minimum of three times per season is usually recommended.

Choose natural over artificial fertilization

Shell lime, clay minerals, and Bering Sea water concentrate. Nowadays, there are many alternative fertilization options for grassland. We often receive questions about itching in horses while the owner is doing everything right. It is often forgotten to check the roughage, and it turns out that the roughage is fertilized with artificial fertilizer. Many horses may not react to this, but there are also a large number of horses that are sensitive to artificial fertilizer and will start scratching. No matter how good the rest of the feed is, the artificial fertilizer nullifies it. This is one of the reasons to prefer not to use artificial fertilizer.
Another important reason is that artificial fertilizer kills soil life, which will cause long-term problems with the mineral balance in the soil and therefore the quality of the grass. Artificial fertilizer is a short-term solution that provides more grass in the short term. But by using natural fertilization, you support soil life, keep the mineral balance in check, and end up with a healthier pasture.

Quality grass and roughage

If you want quality grass for your horse, you need to consider many factors. Horses have different nutritional needs than other animals, and grassland primarily consisting of English ryegrass is not suitable for horses. English ryegrass is too rich and monotonous, which can cause horses to have digestive problems, itching, and laminitis if they consume too much of it. A horse pasture suitable for grazing and/or hay production should consist of a grass mixture and various herbs. Basically, the more "weeds", the healthier for the horse.
But that grassland also needs to be provided with minerals. Without minerals in the soil, there will be no minerals in the grass and ultimately the hay. The basis of the horse's diet consists of grass (fresh or dried) and should provide the horse with the most important minerals and vitamins. It is therefore extremely important to provide the soil with healthy minerals such as minerals from the Bering Sea specially for the pasture. This contains all the minerals present in the world, is economical to use, and promotes healthier soil life and higher (+ higher quality) grass yield.

Result of Bering Sea water concentrate in horticulture

Below are some examples of the results of using Bering Sea water minerals in horticulture. The difference is best visible there, as the vegetables/herbs are clearly visible. Bering Sea water concentrate has been used in horticulture for many years.

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