Which conditions can triphala be used for in horses?

Triphala is a "herbal mixture" of 3 dried fruits from the Himalayan region. It has been used in India for centuries due to its great healing properties. In this blog, we will explain the conditions in horses where triphala can be used.


Insulin resistance



25 July '22 2 min reading time

  1. Insulin resistance

Triphala has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels. It helps lower and balance blood sugar levels. Triphala is therefore very suitable for horses with insulin resistance. In addition, triphala is anti-inflammatory and horses with insulin resistance usually have an increased inflammatory value in their body, leading to itching. Triphala also supports in this area, reducing itching.

  1. Gastric ulcers

Mucous membranes are supported by triphala. It helps restore mucous membranes, allowing gastric ulcers to heal and horses to experience less discomfort. Triphala can be used when a horse has gastric ulcers, but it can also be used preventively. It not only supports the gastric mucosa, but all mucous membranes in the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of triphala have an additional positive influence on horses with gastric ulcers.

  1. Colic sensitivity

Triphala also supports the intestinal mucous membranes, making the intestines more resistant to external influences. In addition, triphala supports intestinal movements, removes intestinal bacteria, and eliminates excess fatty acids from the body. It has an overall positive effect on digestion and helps reduce intestinal inflammation.

  1. Stress

Studies have shown that triphala has a positive effect on reducing chronic stress. Stress can eventually cause an imbalance in the body, leading to various ailments. Triphala helps restore balance in the body and lower cortisol levels. In addition, triphala strengthens the immune system.

  1. Respiratory complaints

The fruits in triphala also have a positive influence on the airways. For example, stress due to a move can cause the lungs to work harder, in which case triphala not only supports stress but also supports the lungs.

  1. Overall resistance

Triphala supports the immune system, is anti-inflammatory, and helps the body balance. It is a herbal mixture that can be used for overall resistance.

  1. Melanomas

Studies have shown that triphala has anticancer properties. It can therefore be used for melanomas. It inhibits the growth of melanomas and helps shrink them. It is advisable to combine it with black cumin.

  1. Overweight

Triphala has a positive effect on overall metabolism. It balances metabolism and also has a cleansing effect. Hormones and blood sugar levels are balanced, leading to weight loss in overweight horses.

Triphala widely applicable in horses

The herb triphala is widely applicable in horses and has a significant impact on many processes in the body. Especially on the (sugar) metabolism and mucous membranes, its effect is significant. It generally helps bring the body into balance, allowing the body to function better and ailments to disappear.

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Black cumin

Unfortunately, some horses deal with melanomas. These are tumors that mostly occur in fungi around the tail/anus. Some melanomas can cause a lot of problems and discomfort for the horse. But did you know that a combination of triphala and black cumin can support melanomas?

Horse with melanoma? Combine triphala with black cumin!

Unfortunately, some horses deal with melanomas. These are tumors that mostly occur in fungi around the tail/anus. Some melanomas can cause a lot of problems and discomfort for the horse. But did you know that a combination of triphala and black cumin can support melanomas?. What are melanomas? Melanomas are skin tumors that arise from excessive production of pigment cells (melanocytes). This excessive cell division results in a bump/tumor called a melanoma. The skin of fungi and piebald horses contain more melanocytes, which is why these horses are more sensitive to melanomas, but melanomas can occur in horses of all colors and breeds. The growths are most common around the anus, on the base of the tail, genitals, and head. Some melanomas are visible on the outside...


Insulin resistance



Triphala is an herbal mixture that has been used in India for centuries as a natural medicine. It is used for digestive complaints, stress, and to stabilize blood sugar levels. Research has shown that Triphala has strong medicinal properties in humans and rodents. This traditional supplement can also be used in horses, especially for insulin resistance.

Ancient herb Triphala supports weight loss and metabolism of horses

Triphala is an herbal mixture that has been used in India for centuries as a natural medicine. It is used for digestive complaints, stress, and to stabilize blood sugar levels. Research has shown that Triphala has strong medicinal properties in humans and rodents. This traditional supplement can also be used in horses, especially for insulin resistance.. What is Triphala? Triphala is a powder made from three different (dried) fruits from the Himalayan region. It is a well-known herbal medicine from the Aryuvedic tradition. The fruits in Triphala are: Amalaki or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Research in recent years has shown that Triphala is effective in treating various conditions. Indian gooseberry stimulates digestion, acts as a laxative, and has anti-inflammatory...



Triphala is an herbal mixture from the Aryuvedic tradition. It is particularly suitable for horses with symptoms of stomach problems. This is because the herbs not only support digestion, but also help reduce chronic stress. You can read about how this works in this article.

Translate from Dutch to English: What does triphala do for stomach problems?

Triphala is an herbal mixture from the Aryuvedic tradition. It is particularly suitable for horses with symptoms of stomach problems. This is because the herbs not only support digestion, but also help reduce chronic stress. You can read about how this works in this article.. Triphala is a mixture of three types of fruits, namely: Amalaki (Indian gooseberry - Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). There has been quite a bit of scientific research done on the effects of the fruits in Triphala. For example, Indian gooseberry stimulates digestion and has laxative and anti-inflammatory properties. Bibhitaki is useful in bacterial and viral infections and is good for intestines and lungs, among other things. Haritaki pro...

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