What the mineral silicon does for crumbling hooves

Crumbling hooves, or actually crumbled hooves, are common in the summer. Regular trimming can already be a good solution, but did you know that the mineral silicon can also contribute? One of the properties of this mineral is that it is the building material for hooves. Want to know how the mineral silicon can contribute to crumbling hooves? Then keep reading!



9 July '21 2 min reading time

Cause of crumbling hooves in summer

We always call it crumbling hooves when pieces of hoof wall break off due to drought. But actually, this is a incorrect way of naming it. In the summer, during drought, it is more like crumbled hooves. Pieces of the hoof break off due to drought/ standing on uneven ground, etc. The causes of crumbling hooves in the summer are:

  • Period of drought

  • Mineral deficiency

  • Lack of movement

  • Shortage of building materials for the hoof

  • Lack of moisture in the hooves

  • Harder ground

  • Nail holes from shoes can worsen crumbling

Silicon for crumbling hooves

The mineral silicon has many benefits. This is because it is the building material of connective tissue (bones, cartilage, hooves, and coat). It stimulates the production of the body's own glucosamine and is often the solution for sand eating. But a result that you can really see after a few months is that the hooves become visibly stronger, preventing them from crumbling. It is, among other things, the building material for hooves and it supports the production of collagen. If collagen production improves, the quality of the hooves will increase. As a result, hooves become stronger and are less likely to crumble in case of drought. Just like biotin, silicon takes time to work. Biotin needs at least 6-8 months before you can start seeing a difference in the hooves. For silicon, this takes about 4-6 months. By the time your horse has crumbling hooves, you are actually too late to solve it immediately. But it is important to start with silicon to make the hooves stronger and healthier anyway.

Does your horse quickly suffer from crumbled hooves? Start giving silicon in the winter so that your horse can benefit from it in the summer.

How to prevent crumbling hooves in the summer?

Crumbling hooves often arise in dry periods, which are common in the summer. Usually, horses don't have much trouble with it, unless it crumbles to the point where it becomes uncomfortable and painful. The basis for healthy hooves is sufficient movement and nutrients. Did you know that when a horse moves little, fewer nutrients go to the hooves? We have listed the measures for you:

  • Sufficient nutrients: a balancer with high-concentration vitamins and minerals without grains.

  • Provide the building material: the mineral silicon.

  • Adequate movement

  • Regular trimming, hooves grow faster in the summer.

  • Tip over the water trough during dry periods. This way, the horses stand on a wet surface when they are drinking.

Conclusion: silicon is the building material for strong hooves

The mineral silicon is the building material for strong hooves. Keep in mind that it takes at least three months to see a difference, as hooves are slow-growing tissues. Does your horse have dry hooves that crumble quickly every year? Then it's a good idea to start giving silicon before the summer. You will see that the hooves become visibly stronger and harder, reducing crumbling. If your horse currently has crumbled hooves, it is important to start anyway so that the hooves grow stronger again.

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