Stress and hormones in your horse: What can chaste tree do?
Chaste tree is well known among many horse lovers. It is mainly used as a supplement for mares who suffer greatly from their heat. However, this herb, and its extracts, can be used more broadly. Chaste tree acts on the hormonal balance and the regulation of stress in *all* horses. It can make your horse more stable and ensure that he or she has enough energy to work properly.

14 June '21 • 3 min reading time
Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus), also known as chaste tree, originates from the Mediterranean region. Chaste tree is a medicinal plant. It has traditionally been used to regulate women's menstrual cycles and alleviate symptoms. Mares that become very heated and also show signs of pain, behavioral changes, or even lameness often benefit from chaste tree. But this herb can also help geldings and stallions manage (extreme) hormonal reactions.
Hormones and stress
An imbalanced hormonal system causes stress in many horses. This is not surprising. Behavior changes due to raging fertility hormones. For example, a horse may become very agitated in the herd. Mares get irritated or grumpy. Or there may be pain and cramps in the uterus, leading to stress. Geldings and stallions that suffer from hormonal stress can become very protective of 'their mares' and, for example, refuse to leave the pasture or paddock. This is exhausting, not only for the animals themselves but also for their owners.
The effect of chaste tree
Several scientific studies have been conducted over the years on the effect of chaste tree. In 2017 and 2019, several review studies concluded that chaste tree helps with menstrual symptoms and premenstrual syndrome in humans. It relieves pain and helps with symptoms such as breast tenderness. In addition, there is evidence that it may help with fertility issues in both men and women. The active ingredient is Vitex agnus-castus (VAC). It is believed that the herb alters the balance between the hormones progesterone and estrogen. By calming the hormones, chaste tree also reduces stress.
Other beneficial effects
Chaste tree can also have beneficial effects for horses with liver problems or metabolic issues. It can prevent oxidative stress and liver fat accumulation. It also has a positive effect on sugar metabolism. Additionally, it is sometimes used for horses with poor coat condition. Finally, there is evidence of a positive effect on the adrenal glands, where the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) is produced. Your horse will have more energy and work better.
Liquid or dried?
Chaste tree can be purchased as dried seeds, ground powder, and herbal extract. These forms vary in strength. By making an extract, you can increase the concentration. This way, a horse receives many active ingredients. A liquid chaste tree extract. This is often more absorbable for the horse than dried herbs. The active ingredients are easier to reach the right place. Note: The use of pure chaste tree has not been studied in pregnant mares, so it is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. There are no known side effects.
Rafieian-Kopaei M, Movahedi M. Systematic Review of Premenstrual, Postmenstrual and Infertility Disorders of Vitex Agnus Castus. Electron Physician. 2017;9(1):3685-3689. Published 2017 Jan 25. doi:10.19082/3685
Cerqueira RO, Frey BN, Leclerc E, Brietzke E. Vitex agnus castus for premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a systematic review. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2017 Dec;20(6):713-719. doi: 10.1007/s00737-017-0791-0. Epub 2017 Oct 23. PMID: 29063202.
Csupor D, Lantos T, Hegyi P, Benkő R, Viola R, Gyöngyi Z, Csécsei P, Tóth B, Vasas A, Márta K, Rostás I, Szentesi A, Matuz M. Vitex agnus-castus in premenstrual syndrome: A meta-analysis of double-blind randomised controlled trials. Complement Ther Med. 2019 Dec;47:102190. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2019.08.024. Epub 2019 Aug 30. PMID: 31780016.
Franciele Neves Moreno, Lilian Brites Campos-Shimada, Silvio Claudio da Costa, Rosângela Fernandes Garcia, Alessandra Lourenço Cecchini, Maria Raquel Marçal Natali, Adriana de Souza Vitoriano, Emy Luiza Ishii-Iwamoto and Clairce Luzia Salgueiro-Pagadigorria. Vitex agnus-castus L. (Verbenaceae) Improves the Liver Lipid Metabolism and Redox State of Ovariectomized Rats. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2015. Volume 2015. Article ID 212378
Ramezani, M. et al Antinociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Hydroalcohol Extract of Vitex agnus castus Fruit. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 2010.