Sneeze! The 5 differences between pollen allergy and dust allergy in horses

Tickle in the nose, snot, coughing, and even shaking the head... sometimes your horse suddenly experiences respiratory problems. And it's not pleasant to ride a horse with an itchy nose or phlegm in its throat. But where does this come from? Is it a pollen allergy? Or is it due to dust? And what can you do about it?


27 June '22 3 min reading time

We list the 5 differences between pollen allergy and dust allergy in horses:

Difference 1 - summer or winter?

If your horse sniffs, coughs, throws its head, or constantly wants to rub its nose, the first question is: what season is it? In autumn and winter, when horses are indoors more often, a dust allergy is more likely. But in spring and summer, when the trees and grass bloom, you should think more about a pollen allergy if your horse suddenly develops symptoms.

Difference 2 - hay or grass?

Does your horse mainly eat hay or fresh grass? If your horse primarily eats hay and develops respiratory complaints, dust and molds are the likely suspects. If your horse spends the whole day with its nose down in a green pasture, it is more likely that you are dealing with a pollen allergy.

Difference 3 - outside or inside?

When are your horse's symptoms the worst? When you just take him out of the stable? Then it could be a dust allergy? Or do you see the most symptoms when your horse has been in the pasture all day or on an outdoor ride? Then a pollen allergy is more likely.

Difference 4 - nose or throat?

Although both conditions can show symptoms of coughing and nasal discharge, it is often a sign of a dust allergy if your horse coughs a lot and breathes heavily. On the other hand, if your horse always has a wet nose, and wants to rub that nose on various objects or comes to rub it against you, you are more likely to think of pollen.

Difference 5 - headshaking or coughing

Both a dust allergy and a pollen allergy can cause a lot of problems while riding. Horses that suffer from dust allergies often cough more when riding, especially during warm-up. Sometimes this gets better after you have ridden for a while. Horses with a pollen allergy sometimes shake their heads while riding. They do this because their nose itches. This symptom often worsens as you ride longer. Sometimes it is even impossible to continue riding.

Pollen allergy?

You mainly see a pollen allergy in horses in spring and summer, when they are grazing and riding outdoors, and it is mainly characterized by nasal symptoms and headshaking. It is an allergic reaction to pollen from certain grasses, herbs, and trees. It is actually a form of hay fever. To help a horse with a pollen allergy, ensure they have good resistance. Cannabinoids can help with this and also combat small inflammations in the airways. If your horse has many symptoms, reduce their time on pasture and keep them inside more on days when there are a lot of pollen in the air (see: The best time for an outdoor ride is after it has just rained, as the pollen is temporarily washed down. An herbal extract for the airways can have a soothing effect. There are also natural-based drops that can reduce the allergic reaction.

Dust allergy?

A dust allergy in horses is mainly found in autumn and winter, or in horses that spend a lot of time indoors. The symptoms are caused by dust and molds in the straw and hay. These horses often cough audibly and breathe heavily. You also often see that the nostrils are wide open. A horse with a dust allergy should be kept outside more. In addition, you should ensure a clean stable with good ventilation. Do not let your horse stay indoors while cleaning and spreading the stable. Hay can be soaked before feeding. To combat the symptoms, a herbal supplement specifically for the airways is a good idea. This helps to keep the cilia in the airways healthy and quickly clear the airways of irritating substances.

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