How do you support your horse in warm weather?

The warm months are approaching and some horses really thrive in that weather! They soak up the sun's warmth and truly enjoy it. But there are also horses that don't handle the heat as well, sweating and panting at the first ray of sunshine. How can you best support these horses during the warm periods?



13 June '22 3 min reading time


ALL horses need to have access to shade during the summer months. Whether your horse can handle the heat well or not, there should always be shade available. This can be provided by trees, a shelter, or by hanging a shade cloth. Horses should have the choice to escape the sun if they want to. A horse can also overheat or suffer from heatstroke (resulting in death).

Always make sure your horse has a place to stand in the shade. Does your stable not provide this option? Then put your horse in the stable during the hottest part of the day and let them back outside when the temperatures drop. Going for a walk or relaxing in the shade in the woods is also a great way to unwind.

Provide plenty of drinking water

Horses drink more in warm weather, up to 50 liters a day. Therefore, always make sure there is fresh, clean drinking water available. Keep in mind that surface water can quickly become contaminated with things like blue-green algae in warm weather. If your horse drinks groundwater/surface water, make sure to test it regularly to check the quality. Groundwater can be very rich in iron, which can lead to health problems.

As temperatures rise, keep an eye on the water troughs and clean them regularly.

Provide electrolytes!

Horses not only lose water when they sweat, but also essential electrolytes. These electrolytes are involved in the body's water balance. A lack of electrolytes leads to a decrease in thirst, causing horses to stop drinking and become even more dehydrated. It is crucial to ensure that your horse receives an adequate amount of electrolytes. If your horse sweats excessively even in mild sun, without exertion, then supplement with electrolytes, as your horse loses more than others. An electrolyte supplement with added vitamin B ensures better absorption so you can give a lower dose. If your horse cannot have sugar, opt for minerals from the Bering Sea. This concentrated seawater contains the right minerals.

Sponge off your horse or go swimming

A great way to help your horse cope with the warm weather is to play with water. You can hose your horse down, sponge them off, or even take them to a nearby water source for a swim.

Adjust the workload

Some horses perform better in warm weather, being more flexible and energetic. However, many horses struggle more in warm weather. Horses need time to adjust to warm weather. Therefore, adjust your horse's workload, ask less intensity, and consider giving them an extra day off. Training early in the morning or late at night can be beneficial. A relaxing trail ride or walk is also a nice activity and helps prevent overheating.

Remove leg protection

The use of leg protection is always a point of debate, as horse legs get very warm under boots/bandages. In warm weather, this will be even worse, putting strain on the tendons. To prevent overheated tendons, we strongly advise against using leg protection in warm periods. If your horse really needs protection, look for highly ventilated gear and use them for the shortest time possible. Afterwards, spray the legs with water to cool them down.

Conclusion: Pay attention to your horse!

The most important thing is to observe your horse and feel whether what you are asking of them is fair. Is your horse enjoying the warmth? Then engage with them, but if your horse seems lost, opt for an extra rest day or spa day. Keep a close eye on your horse and make sure to provide enough electrolytes and access to water at all times.

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