How do you support a horse with muscle binding?



Vitamin E

17 January '23 4 min reading time

How to support a muscle-bound horse?

Muscle binding, also called 'tying up' or Monday disease, is a disease. It is not just a bit of stiffness. The muscle metabolism of the horse is out of control with muscle binding. You must treat muscle binding immediately. How do you recognize muscle binding, what can you do about it, and how do you prevent this serious condition?

Muscle binding usually occurs about ten to fifteen minutes after a horse has been in motion. It is a total acidification of the muscles, especially the muscles of the topline (back, loins, buttocks). The symptoms sometimes resemble colic. Muscle binding is not always easy to recognize. An important indication is that muscle binding mainly occurs after a heavy effort, preceded by several days of rest during which the same feed was given. Muscle binding starts with stiffness, hard muscles, and not wanting to walk. The hindquarters muscles are often stiff, swollen, hard, and painful. Sometimes the horse trembles. A severely muscle-bound horse stands with wide legs or with the forelegs stretched forward. It does not want to move. In severe cases, the urine can be reddish-brown.

Call the vet!

Muscle binding is a serious condition. Therefore, always call your vet if you think your horse could be muscle-bound. A horse should not move if it is muscle-bound. It will only get worse. That's why it's so important not to confuse muscle binding with colic, because in that case you often have to walk the horse! So, make sure to seek advice.

In the stall with a blanket

Do you suspect your horse of muscle binding? Put it in the stall without feed and with enough drinking water. Put a blanket on it and provide soft bedding so the horse can lie down. Do not let the horse move. Try to avoid transporting the horse. The vet can provide painkillers and do blood tests.

How does muscle binding occur?

To prevent muscle binding, it is important to know how it occurs. There are two causes: too much concentrate feed and sudden exertion. Muscle binding often occurs due to a combination of these two causes. When a horse has had a few days of rest but still consumed the same amount of concentrate feed as when it is working, a lot of sugars and starches are stored in the muscle cells. During sudden intense exertion, such as a competition or a long trail ride, this excess energy is suddenly used. This leads to a so-called anaerobic combustion in the muscle cells. This means a conversion without oxygen. This results in the production of lactic acid in the muscles. A little is not harmful, but if there is a lot of stored energy, a lot of lactic acid is produced. This acid damages the muscle cells and is very painful. A sort of acute inflammatory reaction occurs in the muscles. Under normal circumstances, the muscles have an aerobic combustion (with oxygen), where no acid is formed, or only briefly and in small quantities. In a muscle-bound horse, the anaerobic combustion goes awry. Additionally, a lot of tension or excitement can also lead to a high amount of lactic acid in the muscles. Nervous horses may therefore be more susceptible to muscle binding.

Preventing muscle binding

The two most important things you can do to prevent muscle binding in your horse are a good feeding policy and a sensible training schedule. A good feeding policy is tailored to your horse. The foundation always consists of several times a day (or unlimited) high-quality roughage (preferably unpackaged hay). In addition, your horse needs vitamins and minerals, which you can give in the form of a balancer. This is often sufficient for horses performing only light work. Horses competing at a high level in equestrian sports may also require concentrate feed tailored to their workload. Never feed a horse that is standing still or doing little work large amounts of sugars and starches. In addition to a sensible feeding policy, a responsible training schedule is important. This means alternating days of heavier training with free movement and light training. On days when your horse is working less, it also needs less energy intake. However, vitamins and minerals are still important.

Supporting muscle health

You can support muscle health with supplements containing magnesium, silicon and vitamin E. Make sure to use supplements that are easily absorbed, preferably in liquid form. Magnesium helps the muscles relax after exertion and also benefits nervous horses. Magnesium chelate and magnesium citrate are well-absorbed by horses. In addition, the mineral silicon is essential for healthy tendons, muscles, ligaments, and joints. It is best to give this in hydrolyzed, liquid form, as otherwise it is not absorbable by horses. Vitamin E is plentiful in grass and does not need to be supplemented if your horse grazes half days or longer in a pasture. However, in winter (or if your horse is in a paddock), it is wise to give your horse a well-absorbed form of vitamin E, preferably with a bit of oil. For horses that need to develop more muscle, a high-quality protein supplement can be beneficial. For example, pea protein, rice protein, or specific grass blends with a higher protein percentage. Essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine, and threonine can also contribute if a horse has difficulty building muscle.

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