Giving electrolytes: better before or after training?

Now that the temperatures are rising again and both horses and riders are coming out of training sweating, replenishing mineral deficiencies with electrolytes may be wise. In which situations is it a good idea to supplement with electrolytes? And when and how is the best way to give electrolytes, before or after exertion?


20 May '20 4 min reading time

A sweating horse loses a lot of salts and other minerals. On hot days, a horse can produce up to 10 to 15 liters of sweat per hour when working. Horse sweat is also very salty. While humans adapt to hot weather and excrete less salty sweat, horses continue to lose large amounts of minerals through their sweat. To replenish all those lost minerals, you can give (liquid) electrolytes to your horse.

What do electrolytes do?

Electrolytes include: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and bicarbonate. These minerals are crucial for the nervous system and muscles. In addition, the body needs electrolytes for various processes, including acid-base balance and fluid balance. Electrolytes are used in sports drinks for humans in combination with a little quickly absorbable sugars, such as dextrose. This combination is also found in electrolytes for horses. This composition is important. The use of such 'sports drinks' can help maintain blood glucose concentration (and therefore energy levels) before, during, and after exertion and reduce the risk of dehydration and salt deficiencies.

Optimal absorption of electrolytes

A supplement of electrolytes must be well and quickly absorbable, which is why it should be given in liquid form. The electrolytes are then quickly absorbed into the bloodstream of your horse. The best are liquid supplements specifically blended for horses. The absorption of minerals is most efficient when the number of dissolved particles per liter is equal to that in your horse's blood. It is also advisable to use an electrolyte supplement that contains vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 facilitates even better absorption of electrolytes.

Body does not store reserves

Because the bodies of mammals like horses and humans do not store reserves of minerals, it is essential that these are completely replenished prior to a heavy performance. Research with human athletes also shows the importance of having fluid balance in order before a major effort under hot conditions. This means that hydration and electrolytes should be replenished well in advance, up to a maximum of four hours beforehand. This also applies to horses. Electrolyte supplements can help maintain fluid balance and electrolyte levels. They can improve performance, especially during prolonged exertion, such as a multi-day competition or a long trail ride. Not only do electrolytes replace the minerals lost through sweat, they also stimulate thirst, encouraging the horse to drink more.

Stimulating thirst

Studies in humans show that fluid and electrolyte levels are crucial for optimal performance. Therefore, aim for your horse to start the competition or training in a fully hydrated state. This can only be achieved if he has drunk more and taken in more electrolytes beforehand than he will lose through sweat. Just as human athletes often need to learn to drink extra before and after exertion, the same applies to horses. If you can encourage them to do so, it is a good idea. Stimulating thirst through electrolyte supplements is very important.

Promoting recovery after training

Research also shows that using electrolytes after an effort results in a better recovery of performance than providing only water. A horse will then experience less muscle pain and fatigue. It is therefore recommended to use electrolytes both before and after exertion in heavy efforts in hot weather! For example, start supplementing one or two days before the work and give it immediately after the effort, along with some concentrate feed for energy replenishment.

Conclusion: Both!

Horses lose a lot of salt and other minerals during training and competitions in warm weather conditions. Because horses' bodies do not store these salts and minerals, it is wise to bring them to the right levels before the training. This ensures that your horse does not start the training with a deficiency. Therefore, start with electrolytes a day before work in warm weather and also give them after training. During training, the horse uses these salts and minerals. Therefore, it is always wise to replenish them after training. Giving electrolytes after training or competition leads to faster and better recovery, with less muscle pain.

It is important to provide a supplement tailored to horses, which is quickly absorbed. The correct concentration of minerals is important for this. Research also shows that electrolytes are better absorbed in combination with vitamin B2. Therefore, choose an electrolyte supplement designed for horses and containing vitamin B2.


  • Rehrer, N.J.. Fluid and electrolyte balance in ultra-endurance sport. 2001. Journal of Sports Medicine.

  • Maughan, R.J., J.B. Leiper, S.M. Shirreffs. 1997. Factors influencing the restoration of fluid and electrolyte balance after exercise in the heat. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

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