9 Tips against flies in the pasture

Spring has started with radiant, dry weather. Unfortunately, flies also love this weather, as they are now present in large numbers. That's why in this blog tips to reduce flies in the pasture so that your horse can graze in peace and enjoy the weather.



30 April '20 2 min reading time

  • Clean the pasture regularly

By cleaning the pasture daily (preferably multiple times a day) you attract fewer flies to the land. Flies like to gather in large numbers on a pile of manure and linger around it. The more manure you leave on the land, the more flies you attract. Keep the pasture clean by cleaning it out regularly. And another benefit: you get a workout!

  • Don't place manure heap directly next to your pasture

Of course, it's ideal if you don't have to walk far with the wheelbarrow when cleaning the land or paddock. However, the manure heap is the ideal home for flies. Therefore, place your manure heap (if possible) at a distance from your pasture/paddock. This way you have less trouble with flies on the land.

  • Keep the environment clean and tidy

In a clean and tidy environment, you have less trouble with flies. Flies like dirt. Make sure there is no food or feces lying around and that other pests can't nest anywhere. So the cleaner and tidier, the fewer flies!

  • Avoid stagnant water

Stagnant water also attracts flies, as well as mosquitoes. Therefore, make sure your horse's water troughs are regularly refreshed and cleaned. Also, prevent places/buckets with stagnant water around the pasture. For example, dig trenches in the paddock near a large puddle of rainwater to drain it faster.

  • Place a horsefly/fly trap

In recent years, you see more and more black balls/buckets in pastures. The well-known horsefly traps! But these are also very good at catching flies. The black, swaying surface attracts flies, causing them to go there instead of to the horses. These horsefly traps come in different variants. With a collection bin/funnel in which the flies get stuck and can't get out, or with glue. When using glue, make sure you NEVER use mouse glue, as this glue is too strong and other insects and even birds get stuck. Use glue specifically designed for horsefly traps.

  • Provide an open space

Flies dislike wind, so make sure there is an open space in the pasture. Have you ever wondered why your horses are on the open field at the hottest time of the day even though there is shade available? These horses often look for a place to have less trouble with insects.

  • Avoid cows and sheep

A very difficult one, but try to avoid cows and sheep in the vicinity. Cows and sheep are true fly magnets, and unfortunately, a strand of electric fence doesn't stop flies.

  • Use fly sheets and masks

These help partly to keep flies at bay but mainly prevent your horse from going crazy because of the flies. Especially dark/black horses are loved by flies, by putting on a light fly sheet and mask, flies will be less attracted to these horses.

  • Plant plants against flies

There is a natural solution against flies, or at least to keep them at a distance. Flies don't like lavender and lemon balm. By planting these around the pasture, you create areas where flies are less likely to come. An additional advantage is that you help bees, bumblebees, and butterflies.

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