Why it is important to spot Cushing's in dogs early

Identifying Cushing's disease in dogs early is crucial. This gives the best chances of a longer and more comfortable life for your dog. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the sooner treatment can start, the right food can be given and the development of symptoms can be delayed.


13 January '25 1 min reading time

Cushing’s disease in dogs, also known as hypercortisolism, is a hormonal disorder in which the adrenal glands produce excessive amounts of cortisol. Too much cortisol is harmful to health and causes a range of problems. In some cases, surgery is necessary to stop the overproduction of cortisol. In other cases, a dog will be given medication to better regulate cortisol levels.


What symptoms may indicate Cushing’s disease in your dog? Watch for:

  • excessive thirst and frequent urination
  • swollen abdomen
  • hair loss and bald spots
  • heavy panting
  • lethargy or weakness
  • diabetes
  • bladder infections
  • pigmentation spots on the skin

Proper Nutrition

While there are no specific diets that can cure Cushing’s disease, a well-balanced diet combined with nutritional supplements can help improve your dog’s overall health and prevent certain complications. Dogs with Cushing’s often benefit from diets designed for diabetic patients. This is because many dogs with Cushing’s also develop diabetes. The reason for this is that cortisol is similar to prednisone, a hormone that can cause diabetes when present in excessive amounts. Consult your veterinarian to see if diabetic dog food is suitable for your pet.


Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in wild salmon oil, are also important for your dog’s health. These fatty acids may help lower cortisol levels. Additionally, salmon oil boosts your dog’s immune system.

Monitoring and Treatment

It is essential that dogs with Cushing’s disease are regularly monitored by a veterinarian to assess the effectiveness of treatment and make any necessary adjustments, including changes to diet or supplements. Early detection and treatment of Cushing’s can slow down the progression of the disease. With timely intervention and regular check-ups, your pet can often lead a happy and relatively normal life.

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