Seven tips to prevent car sickness in your dog

"Motion sickness or travel sickness in dogs is very unpleasant. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent or reduce motion sickness. We list seven tips for you."


9 April '24 1 min reading time

Especially young dogs can suffer from motion sickness. It's important to intervene quickly if you notice your dog getting nauseous or vomiting in the car. Drooling and stress are also symptoms of motion sickness. Being timely will prevent your dog from associating the car with an unsafe or stressful place.

Seven tips

To prevent motion sickness in your dog, you can do the following:

  1. Allow your puppy to get accustomed to the car regularly, in small steps. The dog should first feel comfortable being in the car. Once achieved, start the engine and reward the dog. This makes the car a safe place.
  2. Secure your dog safely in the car, either in a car seat or crate. If this can be done without tension, you can practice short car rides with your dog. Drive calmly, avoid abrupt braking, and speeding around corners.
  3. Ensure your dog can see outside while driving, for example, by transporting them in a special seat (for smaller dogs).
  4. Provide sufficient fresh air in the car, but don't let your dog stick its head out of the window. This can cause eye infections.
  5. Feed your dog a light meal two hours before departing by car. If dogs continue to suffer from motion sickness, it's better to feed them further in advance.
  6. Take a break at least every two hours during long drives to let your dog out for a fifteen-minute walk.
  7. Support your dog with an herbal supplement against motion sickness and nausea. A herbal extract of thyme, chamomile, passionflower, and lavender is highly suitable for this purpose.


Puppies and young dogs need to get used to riding in cars in small steps. Ensure your dog has a positive association with the car. This can be achieved by rewarding them with treats in the car or going for a short walk. If your dog continues to suffer from motion sickness, you can use an herbal supplement to combat it.

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