Can a dog calmly get through New Year's?

The month of December is very stressful for many dogs and their owners. Especially in urban areas, there is a lot of fireworks to see and hear throughout December. But even in rural areas, this can be extremely intense in certain places, making dogs anxious and tense. Is it possible for your dog to get through the New Year's calmly?


27 November '23 3 min reading time

Not all dogs are anxious!

It sounds like all dogs are afraid of fireworks, fortunately this is not the case. A large proportion of dogs get through the New Year's just fine, without any adjustments, and experience no stress from all the fireworks. There are even dogs who love it and enjoy watching, dogs who sleep peacefully through it, or dogs who, with a little distraction (e.g. brainwork), do not build up much tension and quickly forget about it. Fortunately, because that makes life a lot more pleasant for many dogs and their owners.

Older dogs: changes in hearing

Sometimes dogs are not afraid of fireworks in the first few years of their lives, but as they get older, suddenly become afraid. This does not necessarily mean they have had a bad experience with fireworks, but usually there is a change in their hearing. Deafness creeps in with old age, but first there is a phase where sounds come in differently. These sounds can be more intense, for example. And because the sounds enter differently, the dog may become anxious about fireworks.

Do fireworks training with your dog

Do you know that your dog is afraid of loud noises, as it also reacts to thunderstorms? Then it is definitely recommended to hire a professional for fireworks training. And no, it will not be more effective if you start this in November/December. Fireworks training with your dog should be planned in advance and ideally started in the spring. Do not just play a video with fireworks sounds, as that can actually backfire, but hire a good trainer who will guide you through the entire process. Of course, it is still not a guarantee that New Year's Eve will be calm, but you will have a basic knowledge of how to deal with your dog at that time.

Start early with a calming supplement

Calming supplements can be effective for fireworks anxiety, as long as you start in time. Supplements always have a working time, especially if they are based on herbs. In addition, fireworks often start to intensify around mid-December. It is therefore advisable to start in mid-December with a calming supplement. Preferably choose a supplement based on herbs (e.g. valerian, ginseng, lemon balm, chamomile, and hops) that does not have a sedative effect. A dog should never be sedated, as they often become aware of what is happening around them and that only causes more stress and anxiety.

Supplements are not a miracle cure!

Realize that calming supplements are not a miracle cure, they take the edge off the fear and promote relaxation. They provide focus and help the dog return to themselves more quickly after a startle response and relax. So your dog may still be tense and anxious during New Year's, but the supplement will help the dog deal better with this tension and help them release the fear more quickly.

Conclusion: a calm New Year's is possible

If your dog is not extremely afraid of fireworks, if you have prepared your dog well through fireworks training, if you have started a calming supplement in time. But even then, it is possible that your dog still shows signs of tension. Make sure to support, guide, and let your dog know you are there. Ignoring the problem is not a solution! Provide distraction, do not go for walks during moments when a lot of fireworks are being set off. And if your dog is extremely anxious, see if it is possible to go to a fireworks-free area for a few days.

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