Horse dust allergy

Horses have very sensitive airways. Just like humans, horses can have a dust allergy. Hay and straw contain mold spores that some horses are sensitive to. Most horses with a dust allergy experience the most symptoms in the fall and winter.

Symptoms of dust allergy

A horse with a dust allergy has the following symptoms:

  • Coughing
  • Noisy breathing
  • Flared nostrils

Healthy mucous membranes

The cilia mucous membranes are the most important part of the respiratory tract in horses when it comes to dust allergies, as well as other respiratory problems. They work together to filter the air and remove irritating substances. If your horse has a dust allergy, the mucous membrane flora is reduced and the mold in the hay causes an infection.

Treating dust allergy with herbs

In addition to well-known measures such as soaking hay, having an outdoor stall, and optimizing stable climate, herbs can provide great support in restoring the mucous membranes. In addition, certain herbs have a soothing effect. Choose a supportive supplement that not only has a soothing effect but also replenishes the mucins so that the immune system of the mucous membranes can be restored.

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