Crumbling hooves or cracked hooves?

Two different conditions but terms that are often used interchangeably. Does your horse suffer from crumbling hooves or cracked hooves? Read in this article about the differences and tips for strong hooves.

What are crumbling hooves?

In crumbling hooves, the horn tubules and intertubular horn material detach, causing the bearing wall to partially detach. Crumbling hooves have an abnormal horn structure and always involve a thin hoof wall. Scientists are not entirely in agreement about the cause of crumbling hooves. The cause may possibly lie in digestion and therefore incorrect/poor nutrient absorption, causing the horn structure to deviate and the hoof to become more vulnerable. You can think of it as a lack of building blocks, especially silicon, zinc, keratin, lysine, methionine, vitamin B and omega fatty acids.


  • Last 2 to 3 centimeters of the bearing wall detach

  • Thin wall

With crumbling hooves, movement is very important so that nutrients are transported to the hooves. Movement stimulates blood circulation in the hoof so that the nutrients reach their place.

Crumbling hooves can become so severe that it is really necessary to place an iron to prevent further damage and allow the hoof to grow again. With crumbling hooves, there is also a greater risk of white line disease (a fungus that causes the wall to detach). Does your horse have crumbling hooves? Then contact your farrier for the best approach and also review the diet.

What are cracked hooves?

Cracked hooves are more common than crumbling hooves. Cracked hooves occur due to dry hooves, which causes pieces of the hoof to break off. There is no abnormal horn structure, which is the clear difference. Hooves can sometimes crumble so much that a painful situation arises for the horse. The cause often lies in the dryness of the horn.


  • Cracks in the hoof

  • Hoof looks dry

  • Breaking pieces of hoof

  • Irons do not stay properly

Cracked hooves need one thing: moisture! Since hooves dry out in, for example, sawdust or a sand paddock, pieces can easily break off when the horse stands on a hard edge. Make sure the hoof can always absorb enough moisture. In addition, deep cracks can become infected with bacteria and fungi. Therefore, it is important not to let a horse walk around for too long without taking action.

Tips for crumbling hooves / cracked hooves

  • Create a wet spot in the paddock or pasture

By, for example, regularly letting the water bucket overflow, you ensure that your horse always has wet feet. This prevents the hoof from drying out and keeps the hooves in good condition.

  • Ensure sufficient movement

When the horse moves, blood is better pumped around the body. This means that nutrients and oxygen are better distributed throughout the body. Movement is therefore very important for the better utilization of oxygen and nutrients in the hoof.

  • Have the horse trimmed regularly

Cracked hooves can also occur when the hooves are too long (or not properly trimmed). This makes them easier to break off when the horse stands on an edge. Timely trimming by a good farrier will reduce the chance of hooves crumbling.

  • Add silicon to the diet

Silicon is a building block for connective tissue and collagen, which is important for hoof growth. By adding hydrolyzed silicon to the diet, you provide the horse with the building block for hooves. It is important to feed it for at least 2-3 months, as hooves take some time to grow. Silicon is a mineral that horses nowadays do not get enough of through food. It is not only the building block of hooves, but also of bones, cartilage, muscle attachments, and coat. It also stops many horses from eating sand.

  • Provide your horse with all necessary vitamins and minerals

A balanced diet provides the horse with all the necessary nutrients so that all processes in the body can function properly. If there are deficiencies, problems arise in the body and hooves gradually deteriorate. Always provide your horse with the recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals. Did you know that minerals from seawater are better absorbed by the body?

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